Thursday 30 September 2010

Nigeria @ 50! To celebrate or not to?!

Not to!
Its a shame that a country that has deteriorated in every aspect can proudly step out and claim its spending a huge sum of money in celebrating some 50yr anniversary! Obvious opportunity for the nigerian many partially educated leaders to do what they know how to do best! *STEAL*!
This world is all about mind control! Every christian is preaching against the free maisons, illuminati and many more while infact the main evil lies within the human body!
Nigeria is a country where the rich gets richer and the poor poorer! Only certain circles enjoy the benefits of being a citizen of this once great nation! there is constant hike in fuel price, decrease in the standard of living, more illiterate leaders and many more conspicuous reason not to celebrate yet! Instead of the citizens to stick together and show that they are tired of being oppressed, everybody is out looking for where and how to celebrate!
Personally, I feel Goodluck Jonathan has made several mistakes to show that he is not capable of ruling nigeria! There are over a million poverty stricken people in Nigeria and Jonathan suggested we spend 10 billion naira and print new 50naira notes in the name of anniversary! Doesn't that just portray what a money hungry leader he'd be?! CBN changed some of our money and not up to 2yrs later, we are out printing again! Are u seeing the reason naira is close to being worthless now? Secondly, how could he make a list of the greatest people in nigeria and include Kano Nwankwo, Yeni Anikulapo kuti and some other irrelevant candidates omitting Odimegwu Ojukwu!
Ojukwu was pardoned by Nigeria and it will be stupid not to acknowledge the fact that's he is infact one of the greatest people in Nigeria!
A Governor in nigeria can own private jets, massive investments in real estates with no questions asked!
With all the problems in the country and more rising everyday, nigeria is celebrating its 50th anniversary with so much joy! What is the difference between the celebrants and cattles please?! May the lord pardon our ignorance!

Sunday 12 September 2010

the effect of success!

No matter how much we think we know ourselves, changes are bound to happen sooner or later. There is a saying that goes...*money is the root of all evil*, many people have tried disputing that fact but facing reality; it is actually true. Some times we take certain actions not knowing we could ever be capable of doing such but the truth is, there are multiple personalities in us that we might not aware of. Focusing on success, some people tend to be really sweet,shy brap brapp! when there is no money, but on attaining success they change faster than the wind! there are certain things that we do not have control over and to me, a typical example is the BEHAVIOR! people unconsciously change on attaining success! I mean, giving it a thought...success makes us move with different kinds of people, u begin to meet more people in the level you have attained or in higher levels....u begin to see things the way they see it, reason like them and might start hating the poor for spending your hard earned money through taxes for instance (now laughing really hard). The richer u get, the more you wont see any reason to still hang around friends that are not adding to your success especially when they are always looking forward to getting something from you.. I am not justifying the behavior, just being a realist here.. The point is, we do not really know how we'd bahave till we attain success or fame!

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Fat and Skinny individuals

I'd like to make it clear that some people might find this article very offensive but i'll go on with it anyway. i am writing this article based on my observation of the obvious jealousy the fatties have on skinny people. Being fat is neither such a bad thing nor a very attractive thing. Most times, being fat leads to low self esteem and self pity but that is where charisma is meant to step in. With a fabulous charisma, even one as ugly as a chimpanzee could appear fine to people. that is; people might not even notice how ugly the individual is. Instead of the fatties working on their personalities and charisma, they spend the whole time looking for a skinny person to criticise! consoling themselves with lame expressions and talks like, (you need enough flesh to look good! or skinny people do not eat enough and do not look healthy!). Then the really ignorant fatties say being fat is a sign of good living. I have seen certain carelessness that leads to the path of being a fatty acid! You see people gain weight gradually, when told to control the pace at which the weight is coming, they say its temporary or that they'l shed it when the time is right! well...situp people! theres no such thing as *when the time is right* if u are too lazy to get your fat ass up and workout when u are just chubby, what gives you the impression that u'd actually be ready to workout when the weight piles up? It is not news that being fat is less attractive, leads to low self esteem or possibly suicide! so the time y'all send composing those lame sayings you use on skinnies, why dont you just go and shed some weight! Not everyone is meant to be skinny but that doesnt permit us to blow out of proportion. working out also doesnt mean you have shed all the weight u'v got.....the main essense is to be fit and look presentable..after all, the chubby people have more tendencies to survive some incidents than the skinnies and vice versa.... The point of this article isnt for every one to be skinny, but for everyone to be fit enough to lift themselves and look good. Then again if you are fat and can't workout, get comfortable with your body and stop torturing yourselves by insulting the ones that look good :p ....

Friday 27 August 2010

hair maintenance/treatment

It is known that processed african hair result to severe hair breakage or frizzy hair, going through that phase myself; i decided to research on the best hair products, bad ingredients for the hair and natural ways to keep the hair glowing and healthy. Before i go into all that,we ought to know that the blacks hair texture is different from the whites hair and most hair products available are most suited for the whites. The black hair texture is wool-like and rough,at its best when kept natural and not chemically processed. By chemically processed hairs i mean the relaxed and coloured hairs. Natural ingredients are always best for the african hair texture, ingredients such as shea butter, olive oil, hair mayonnaise,eggs and many more. When the hair is kept natural, it has les occurrences of breakage or dryness as it is known that most chemicals in hair product leads to dryness. After my research, i came up with 10 best ways to treat processed hair.
To grow hair:
First of all, keep your hair moisturized. This is as simple as wetting it in the shower, or wetting your hands and running them through your hair. DO NOT buy any moisturizer that has MINERAL OIL or PETROLATUM! care free curl gold and s-curl are popular moisturizers. Do NOT use that Pink lotion!
2)use a wide tooth comb(once a day or less)to avoid hairs breaking.
3)Wash your hair at least once a week with shampoo. I wash mine with JUST conditioner sometimes too.
4)after shampooing, DEEP CONDITION by putting condish on your hair and putting a plastic cap over it and leaving it on for 15-30 minutes
5)massage your scalp daily
6)do not put any oils or "grease" on your scalp. Same goes with hair.
7)Try to relax your hair less. Every 8-10 weeks or longer!
8)You know your hair is breaking because if you look on the ends you will not see a white bulb. If you DO see a withe thing on the end, that is just shed hair. You shed 100 hairs a day, so it's all good. If it IS broken hair, do a protein treatment (use Organic Roots Stimulator mayonaisse or Aphogee 2 minute)
9)Try to put your hair up. Or protect your hair by leaving it in braids. DO NOT LEAVE BRAIDS IN TOO LONG or you will loose your hairline!
10) Its best to apply one or maximum of two treatments on your hair at once as application of multiple treatments also leads to hair breakage!

Hope this article is helpful to all you worried ladie out there!

Tuesday 6 July 2010

the skin colour and their different purpose

I chose to write this article not only out of personal experience but also from different experiences both of friends and random individuals..I have to begin with the fact that I love my body and practically everything about it but I particularly pay attention to my skin and mouth because I feel those are the two basic features of looking good! I had a reaction on my face, at first I didnt want to pay attention thinking it'd disappear in short notice but then it persisted for over a week, I then went to purchase some skin care products. As I walked into the shop (medplus), I was shocked at the number desperate and sad female faces that were there looking for solutions to issues they considered problems to their skin and general appearance. Still amazed, I walked pass an extremely pretty girl but almost fainted out of stench that was oozing of her, she stood aside while her mum was helping her speak with the attendants in the shop, then I began to wonder what was wrong. It couldnt have been out of her being dirty, I stared hard and noticed how bleached out her skin was..there were veins on the verge of popping out of her skin! Then I wondered why anyone will want to damage her skin so bad, in my point of view, the bleach made her look scary rather than look good and I am not talking about the stench yet! Diverting a little, most African women including myself have wondered why God gave the caucasians what appears to be everything! From their hair to their skin colour etcetera... But if we give ourselves the chance to reason wisely, we will see that our skin colour determines how good we look that is;we look as good as we do because of our skin colour..example; a dark skinned girl with really huge breasts, and african hair could be created with a dark skin probably because if she were white, her features wouldn't look as good as they do with a black skin and many more other reasons for our different skin colour. Yet, there are women darker than the soil trying to bleach themselves into being brighter than the sun, not caring about the process gradually washing up the melanin (pigment accounting for the dark colour of skin, hair, etc) then ending up with dead skin cells and weak skin leading to severe stench! All that is to be applied on dark skin are good moisturisers,shining oils to make the skin glow and regular bathing! And these are necessary so the skin doesn't look dirty. I personally feel black skin is the best kind of skin to have because it doesn't bruise as easily as the white skin does. Even if we psyche ourselves into believing the opposite sex is more attracted to light skin, may we remember the damages of trying to make a dark skin light....

Sunday 4 July 2010

it is more than you know

First I have to admit I missed coming to this place! So after long days of feeling jinxed, not knowing what to write about precisely,I finally got an inspiration! I was/am still stepping out of my boundaries by giving a dude the flashing GREEN LIGHT! Things were falling into place until I hit him up while his phone was with eerrrmmmm *eyes rolling* words cannot describe that fellow.. First I can not stand fixing up two people unknown to each other, I feel it's one of the most lame things in existence! Anyways, the dude started chatting about meeting me,"permit me to say that at times being extremely polite to dumb folks doesn't pose any have to go extra miles by hitting the hammer on the head of the nail for such to get your point". I was hesitant at first, then tried to be polite till I couldnt stand the foolishness any longer. I had to give him a piece of my mind, not in a rude way but polite enough for him to he called me a *bitch*. Thinking deep, why would some guy have full access to a phone belonging of another guy if they aren't so tight, then he takes a step further by wanting to meet a girl through a phone that doesn't belong to him..I narrated the story to the boy I was supposed to be liking and he got mad at me... All I could sense was foul play because as much as we try talking ourselves into believing relationships re personal, the friends of both parties have the power to some extent to determine the success or failures of relationships. Some friends will create instances enough for the girl/boy involved in the relationship to doubt their partners. But then again, Everything doesn't make sense because I believe if the boy had any form of respect for me or the girls in hiz contacts, his friend wouldn't have the effrontery to call me a bitch or even demand to meet me... Titilayo is an extremely smart girl so....need I write more? We all play games but let's not forget that some people are created to be smarter than the others

Thursday 24 June 2010

The Nigerian rulers at war? over what??

Laughing with my friends and mum,we suddenly looked at d muted television in my room to behold grown up men fighting. Turning up the volume, the cause of the chaos was the intention of the house of rep to increase their allowances from 45 million to 95 million naira. The fight displayed the brutal and forceful tactics things are imposed on nigerians. First we nigerians understand that most of our house of rep candidates are barely educated, bunch of touts that were put in seat for helping the people in power carry out their dirty deeds! What do foreigner think about this so called great nation, Nigeria? Do we want them scared? Or do we want them to conclude that nigeria is a joke? Knowing the disgrace from alameisiya escaping from the jail dressed as a woman or the umar muttalab incident. The rulers of Nigeria the so called *giant of Africa* fighting due to disagreement caused by their ridiculous demands for an increment with the obvious poor standard of living in the country! This country is blessed with resources enough for the citizens to live in a comfortable way,yet we are close to having the highest rate of under privileged people.. And in the mist of such crises, the predators(our leaders) can demand for such a ludicrous increment when we cant recall the last time the salaries of civil servants were increased! But we can recall fully well the selling of government properties to private sectors there by rendering countless number of citizens homeless! With situations like this stil at large, our extremely rich rulers at the other end decided to spice up their lifes by engaging in fist fights to the extent of ripping their shirts!?! Nigeria worries much as I'd love to lie to myself that I am a proud nigerian, I am ashamed to be a part of it! How can a country be developed on be in good standing when it is being ruled by mostly uneducated people, leading to ridiculous situations like yerima deciding to marry a 13yr old girl or the upsurge of fuel prices with 3 oil refineries not working... My fingers wil go numb from typing so its best I stop here...

Sunday 20 June 2010

And they wonder why they are not making it...

Laying in bed with heavy eyes I just knew I had to write this else the zeal to share this precise experience will be lost..
Diving into an available taxi with a friend, we were stopped by the red light,my eyes began wandering due to boredom. I took interest in a particular young man looking exhausted from trekking under the sun or probably from long hours of hard labour..I began to wonder why God blesses some and leaves the rest to struggle or heart went out to him and I felt so bad for not having the resources at this stage of my life to take care of the less privileged only for the light to turn green, as we were about to move the youngman looked into our taxi and called my friend and I "prostitutes".. My friend looked dumbfounded! But I immediately got the answer to the questions I had being asking myself about him whn I 1st set my eyes on him.. A man looked into a cab and saw two decent and well respectable girls and decided to call them whores due to illiteracy?ignorance?frustration? Knowing fully well we werent/ are not.. Are u still wondering why it can never be right with some people or why some struggle so hard yet are not making it?? Read thi blog properly and comeup with ur answers........

Monday 14 June 2010

4wded msg! lips sealed!!!

So I was totali fallin for ds dude n after weeks n weeks of tryna get hz attentn, I finally had d chance 2 invite him over 2my crib..feeling all sexy n itching for him to 2 knw wt hez bin missin, I wrapped my towel round my skinny body pushin up my lil tits wv d lower part of d towel..I made sure my voice wz tiny n draggin u knw* in a sexy way*..went 2 d fridge 2 get him a I wz pourin d drink in2 d glass my towel fell wv my A_cup breast in d air..d worse part was..he was lookin confused n lost! Nt in a good way but in a *girl! Get those 2 seeds outta my face way*! Damn!! I must go for breast surgery!! In d meantime..m constantly dodging the guy..too embarrassed mehn!

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Humans as dependent animals

Growing up, my dad always talked about how we shouldn't be too dependent and how friends weren't really needed. Each time he gave my siblings and i that particular lecture we were always angry because we felt it was impossible for anyone to survive in this world without friends or a friend to trust. After years of both ugly and good experiences with friends i have come to agree with my dad.
   All humans have faults and can never be satisfied, also every human being have got a little bit of what i call "the selfish syndrome". Humans  were created to be dependent, thats the main reason i think the saying 'two heads are better than one' came about. No man can buildup an organization alone neither can any man build his house himself.
       The major focus here is TRUST. Rage is a very strong emotion that can lead to murder, suicide and a lot more. Having someone to disclose all details in your life in the name of dependency is a big FEUX PAS! There are things that are better left unsaid. The confidante also being human might find the secret too heavy for the heart to keep and might either want to confide in someone else or disclose it due to outburst of rage. Life is better lived when details of your life is not flying  around.
      To end this, live a good life, that way u neither have secrets nor need a confidante! But if there is any, keep the power(information) to yourself !! bye!

Sunday 6 June 2010

Effects of time

When I was younger, I heard my mum ask my older cousin what kind of man she'd love to settle cousin's exact reply was ' I want a tall chocolate skinned, well to do,educated, God fearing, young man'. My mum started laughing and told her she could as well create her own man.. And my cousin went on and on about how God knows her taste and would only grant her heart desires..I loved what she said then cause I've always had eyes for bigger things in life.. Seeing myself dating no other but the hunks, living in posh environments, attendin the best of schools..brap brapp!
7years later am 22 and my cousin is 30! I asked her the exact question my mum asked her years back over dinner today, and her reply was “see winifred, God did not favour we women with opinions or choices..that was why he created eve and gave her to adam without even giving her the choice Of determining if adam was her kind of guy or not. At this point in my life, anyone God gives me I'l take as long as he's not jobless and crippled!”. I laughed really hard after she said this because my she is really pretty and have always had the most desired men chasing after her every where she showed her face.. But being single at the age of 30 totally transformed the way she handles life or handled it. It got me thinking that I should probably stop being choosy as well and start dating regular but not random people and doing things that normal people cousin said if the right man doesnt come forth soon she'l become an active member in the church to get one of the members to marry her. Imagine! Why do we ladies feel we are don't have choices to make or our opinion about things r not needed when we get to a certain stage of our lives? Is the maximum achievement in life really marriage? Off course marriage is supposed to be in everyone's agenda but when it is not forthcoming do we then begin to kiss ass for some random person to pop the question?
The answer is NO! As humans, we are all entitled to different opinions and choices! We should still have those intact even though we are 40 and things are not going as planned or falling into place.. My cousin doesn't agree with me but well...its my opinion and it STANDS!

Saturday 5 June 2010

recovering from a broken heart

Time they say heals all wounds..I believe partially
But I'd rather say that 'determination heals all wounds'. When am heart broken or when I feel rejected,I always feel like crying but giving it a 2nd thought; I actually don't cry because as a girl..u'l definitely go through series of heartbreaks,it gets me wondering 'do I rili have d strength to cry each time am heartbroken? And does crying actually solve anything?'The major step towards recovering is to write down your experience in the relationship..personally..I strongly believe in the part of the bible that says *unto every man there is a woman and unto every woman there is a man'. Instead of wasting your time amending what is to be discarded, fill ur head with thoughts like. 'If u have to chase some1 or play games or behave in certain ways for some1 to like you, then both u and the person are not meant for each other'. Make a list of mistakes u made and how u plan on correcting them so they don't affect your next relationship. There is nothing as great as being a realist! Sitting down,beating yourself waitinf for things to get back to the way they were never really helps anybody..there was a reason u came alone into the were living fine before the person showed up,so why don't u continue from where u stopped when the person is no longer there? My point being...get a grip of urself n move on!! Nobody should be that hard 2 get over!!

crazy night out

Hello readers!
I was really love struck yesterday night n needed to shake it off!! So I hung with my girls and been so light headed, after bout 3glasses of d champagne I was out of this world! We were dancing all over the place maybe I created a wrong impression in the process cos as I stood u to use the bath..some dude I danced with for about 5min..came from behind,grabbed my ass *IN PUBLIC* lifted me up n planted a long kiss on my lip! I was extremely tipsy, embarrassed and outraged! Next thing I knew, I pulled off my shoe and created a big hole in the middle of his ..m in bed typing this! Too shy to go downstairs to get the details of what really happened.. But am glad I gave him summin to learn from! *THE HOLE* muahahahahahahhaha #devil

Friday 4 June 2010

dumb people dumb country

Ok...hate to post this here but 60% of Nigerians are dumb!! Why in the world would anyone think its alright for a man to give his wife out as a gift in the name of helping the family out!?! What happened to the vow ' for better for worse'? All that is to be done is look deeper and think harder the solution wil be right there waiting for you to claim it. The painful part is that the so called educated ones are seeing reasons..what in the world! Well Nigeria is frustrating but still a lovely country! Safe!

my life, my choice!

Ok...not saying I have never judged any body but why spend our time criticizing and judging others when we cant remember the last time we took a long look at ourselves... For instance I believe in freedom to live my life the way I want though not recklessly but just be able to make my own rules..I have always being different in the sense that I have never viewed things the way others do.. Should I now be criticised cause I choose not to be tied down by men that are willing to mould me into something am not all ine the name of respect, or meeting up to their standards and different other shits they've got listed, or cause I choose to dress in certain ways! I'd rather be free and have people "not more than too" I could call when I feel d need for a man's touch or dress according to my mood and what I feel comfortable in! If u dislike the way I am..then there is no other option except to jump off brooklyn bridge or something rather than going around judging me..! Hehehehe