Thursday 24 June 2010

The Nigerian rulers at war? over what??

Laughing with my friends and mum,we suddenly looked at d muted television in my room to behold grown up men fighting. Turning up the volume, the cause of the chaos was the intention of the house of rep to increase their allowances from 45 million to 95 million naira. The fight displayed the brutal and forceful tactics things are imposed on nigerians. First we nigerians understand that most of our house of rep candidates are barely educated, bunch of touts that were put in seat for helping the people in power carry out their dirty deeds! What do foreigner think about this so called great nation, Nigeria? Do we want them scared? Or do we want them to conclude that nigeria is a joke? Knowing the disgrace from alameisiya escaping from the jail dressed as a woman or the umar muttalab incident. The rulers of Nigeria the so called *giant of Africa* fighting due to disagreement caused by their ridiculous demands for an increment with the obvious poor standard of living in the country! This country is blessed with resources enough for the citizens to live in a comfortable way,yet we are close to having the highest rate of under privileged people.. And in the mist of such crises, the predators(our leaders) can demand for such a ludicrous increment when we cant recall the last time the salaries of civil servants were increased! But we can recall fully well the selling of government properties to private sectors there by rendering countless number of citizens homeless! With situations like this stil at large, our extremely rich rulers at the other end decided to spice up their lifes by engaging in fist fights to the extent of ripping their shirts!?! Nigeria worries much as I'd love to lie to myself that I am a proud nigerian, I am ashamed to be a part of it! How can a country be developed on be in good standing when it is being ruled by mostly uneducated people, leading to ridiculous situations like yerima deciding to marry a 13yr old girl or the upsurge of fuel prices with 3 oil refineries not working... My fingers wil go numb from typing so its best I stop here...

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