Tuesday 8 June 2010

Humans as dependent animals

Growing up, my dad always talked about how we shouldn't be too dependent and how friends weren't really needed. Each time he gave my siblings and i that particular lecture we were always angry because we felt it was impossible for anyone to survive in this world without friends or a friend to trust. After years of both ugly and good experiences with friends i have come to agree with my dad.
   All humans have faults and can never be satisfied, also every human being have got a little bit of what i call "the selfish syndrome". Humans  were created to be dependent, thats the main reason i think the saying 'two heads are better than one' came about. No man can buildup an organization alone neither can any man build his house himself.
       The major focus here is TRUST. Rage is a very strong emotion that can lead to murder, suicide and a lot more. Having someone to disclose all details in your life in the name of dependency is a big FEUX PAS! There are things that are better left unsaid. The confidante also being human might find the secret too heavy for the heart to keep and might either want to confide in someone else or disclose it due to outburst of rage. Life is better lived when details of your life is not flying  around.
      To end this, live a good life, that way u neither have secrets nor need a confidante! But if there is any, keep the power(information) to yourself !! bye!

1 comment:

  1. What more I can I say, you have said it all. There is a saying that no man is an island but at the same time it is not good to divulge important information any how because there is a yoruba adage that say o po alangba lo da kun de le, a month eyi ti inu run which mean the human heart is wicked and we don't know who is planning our down fall.
    I think we need to be caution with everything we do, it is true we can do it all on our own but we need to depend on trustworthy people. Another thing is to do good with others by this I mean other people secret with us should be kept secret and it is after we do this that we can expect same treatment from other people. Stay blessed.
