Sunday 4 July 2010

it is more than you know

First I have to admit I missed coming to this place! So after long days of feeling jinxed, not knowing what to write about precisely,I finally got an inspiration! I was/am still stepping out of my boundaries by giving a dude the flashing GREEN LIGHT! Things were falling into place until I hit him up while his phone was with eerrrmmmm *eyes rolling* words cannot describe that fellow.. First I can not stand fixing up two people unknown to each other, I feel it's one of the most lame things in existence! Anyways, the dude started chatting about meeting me,"permit me to say that at times being extremely polite to dumb folks doesn't pose any have to go extra miles by hitting the hammer on the head of the nail for such to get your point". I was hesitant at first, then tried to be polite till I couldnt stand the foolishness any longer. I had to give him a piece of my mind, not in a rude way but polite enough for him to he called me a *bitch*. Thinking deep, why would some guy have full access to a phone belonging of another guy if they aren't so tight, then he takes a step further by wanting to meet a girl through a phone that doesn't belong to him..I narrated the story to the boy I was supposed to be liking and he got mad at me... All I could sense was foul play because as much as we try talking ourselves into believing relationships re personal, the friends of both parties have the power to some extent to determine the success or failures of relationships. Some friends will create instances enough for the girl/boy involved in the relationship to doubt their partners. But then again, Everything doesn't make sense because I believe if the boy had any form of respect for me or the girls in hiz contacts, his friend wouldn't have the effrontery to call me a bitch or even demand to meet me... Titilayo is an extremely smart girl so....need I write more? We all play games but let's not forget that some people are created to be smarter than the others

1 comment:

  1. Reading your blog with some doubt that you have this proud in you. But all I could get is that you express yourself well and you know what you want keep this up. A guy likes you more
