Tuesday 6 July 2010

the skin colour and their different purpose

I chose to write this article not only out of personal experience but also from different experiences both of friends and random individuals..I have to begin with the fact that I love my body and practically everything about it but I particularly pay attention to my skin and mouth because I feel those are the two basic features of looking good! I had a reaction on my face, at first I didnt want to pay attention thinking it'd disappear in short notice but then it persisted for over a week, I then went to purchase some skin care products. As I walked into the shop (medplus), I was shocked at the number desperate and sad female faces that were there looking for solutions to issues they considered problems to their skin and general appearance. Still amazed, I walked pass an extremely pretty girl but almost fainted out of stench that was oozing of her, she stood aside while her mum was helping her speak with the attendants in the shop, then I began to wonder what was wrong. It couldnt have been out of her being dirty, I stared hard and noticed how bleached out her skin was..there were veins on the verge of popping out of her skin! Then I wondered why anyone will want to damage her skin so bad, in my point of view, the bleach made her look scary rather than look good and I am not talking about the stench yet! Diverting a little, most African women including myself have wondered why God gave the caucasians what appears to be everything! From their hair to their skin colour etcetera... But if we give ourselves the chance to reason wisely, we will see that our skin colour determines how good we look that is;we look as good as we do because of our skin colour..example; a dark skinned girl with really huge breasts, and african hair could be created with a dark skin probably because if she were white, her features wouldn't look as good as they do with a black skin and many more other reasons for our different skin colour. Yet, there are women darker than the soil trying to bleach themselves into being brighter than the sun, not caring about the process gradually washing up the melanin (pigment accounting for the dark colour of skin, hair, etc) then ending up with dead skin cells and weak skin leading to severe stench! All that is to be applied on dark skin are good moisturisers,shining oils to make the skin glow and regular bathing! And these are necessary so the skin doesn't look dirty. I personally feel black skin is the best kind of skin to have because it doesn't bruise as easily as the white skin does. Even if we psyche ourselves into believing the opposite sex is more attracted to light skin, may we remember the damages of trying to make a dark skin light....


  1. interestin article here! i totally agree wit u! i actually thought girls have stopped doin that but i guess i was wrong! besides i dont think guys now-a-days r really dat much interested in d colour of ur skin anymore dan they care abt wat ur name is! i mean black is beautiful, whichever way u want 2 look at it! dats y i always luv sme some Chocolate babes! LoL! no descrimination tho! i luv all types! jst tryn 2 say in this tym and age dat we are in, i tot gurls wld have smartened up abt such issues! Luv d skin God Gave u and stop tryin 2 b sme1 u r not! cos @ d end of d day d guys wld still treat u like shit wen he see u all bleached up! .....Stay natural Ladies!

  2. I totally agree..the guys myt prepare  skinned girls for some selfish interest but at the end of the day,its not only about the physic but what lies within. Thank you clu - j
